(2) Privacy Issues

     There are many technological issues in the world today, most regarding privacy. The second and third ted talks I watched were very impactful in relation to my stance on the matter.

   These privacy issues affect my family and I because it is invasive on such a personal level to where all of the things we experience as a family or privately become public even if we want them to be private. All of the details and factoids of the inner workings of our relationships are usually broadcasted to social media, our internal literature is posted to the internet for everyone with the technology and brains to find and look through.

    If that wasn't unnerving enough, depending on the users skill level, they can use the technology to uncover further piecer of our bigger picture, things like data breaching and hacking put our financial and undercover matters to the surface and accessible to strangers we didn't even know had access to our lives. It will allow our lives or what we experience as events to act as a "legacy", but without the whole honor and valor part. We are just forever existing on a cloud for anyone to gaze upon. 

    The government personally shouldn't have too much of a say in the matter, for they already do too much to dabble within it, but I think a larger part of it is the overall idea of technology and how much it is taking over our lives. Another division of government should be created that is strictly cybersecurity masters, people who can combat the ones at fault in order to protect the governments online presence and digital chambers, stretching to even individual problems with civilians that require such assistance, similar to how a policeman would work to protect the towns civilians.
