(1) My Top Sources for News and Information

 LA Times


The LA Times is one of my top sources for news and information because I am from the South Bay, in California. Being from a place with such a high traffic of events has me interested in the actual journalism of the city, and this post is exceptional for just that. I get to find out various headliners right next to relaxed stories that you didn't think would get coverage. I would recommend it to other people if they wanted to know more about my hometown or enjoy the life of LA. 

AP News


The AP News is another one of my top sources for news and information because they have a ton of content from all over the world. They cover US news, world news, and one of my favorite sections, ‘oddities’. They cover a ton of random but fun news worldwide and all articles on the post are strikingly unbiased. I would recommend this site to others because it has such a wide variety of coverage on things you didn’t know you needed. 



Reuters is a top source for news and information for me because they are not primarily focused on the US, but in addition to the demoting they include bits and pieces of attitude. The journalism on this site is incredible for its large political and technological pieces, with the inclusion of the imitation ticker tape of stocks that remains at the top of the page. They really seem unapologetic and I appreciate that especially for entertainment. I know that it's unwise to be unbiased on certain topics for influential reasons, but its detailed and colorful journalism allows for a great fill in on worldwide information quickly and vibrantly. 



Similar to the AP news, BBC and BBC UK are top sources of news and information for me as well because of its extreme variety and unbiased articles. I appreciate the worldwide aspect of these sources for America is where I live, but on other popular sources there is a lack of out of country coverage. BBC UK is exceptional at balancing this out and including the general world's news accompanied by the niche and interesting ones. Doing all of this unbiased and in an attempt to bestow knowledge and keep others informed, I think it does a great job. I would recommend this to others because it is in my opinion a better alternative to the regular BBC. 



Aljazeera is a source I appreciate for its news and information because it is purely focused on the other portion of the world. With the US grouped in with Canada, we get coverage on not only our own country but other countries from a completely new perspective that isn't so heavily reliant on US headlines. I also personally love Spain, so catching up on the Latin American news is easiest and most fulfilling when I go to this post. I would recommend this post to others because of how directly clear the news is for other countries outside of the US, people need to be informed about those events more than I think is current, and this is a great place to start.
